Privacy policy

1. Basics 

1.1 This document is a description of the privacy policy contained on the website at, which is administered by the District Museum in Leszno at pl. J. Metziga 16 (hereinafter referred to as the "Museum").

1.2. The purpose of the Policy is to define the principle, method of processing and use of data and information from website users, and also contains information regarding the rights of natural persons in relation to the personal data provided by them.

1.2 Please read this policy carefully. By accessing or using this website and submitting any personal data to us, you accept the terms of this privacy policy.

1.3. Please note that when you leave this website (e.g. by using a link to a website located on another domain), you enter an area where this privacy policy does not apply. The Museum is not responsible for the privacy policies applicable on websites operated by other entities.

2. Personal data protection rules

The Museum is the administrator of personal data provided by users on the website operated by the Museum. The Museum takes special care to ensure that all personal data are processed in accordance with the purpose for which they were collected and used in accordance with the scope of permissions (consents) granted and the areas of processing permitted by law.

3. Purpose of personal data processing

3.1 Each person providing the Museum with personal data via the forms available on the website is informed about the specific purpose for which the data is processed and the legal basis for processing.

3.2. The museum uses personal data only for the indicated purposes. Especially:

a) in case of consent to contact via the contact form in order to be contacted by a Museum employee in connection with the Museum's activity profile.

b) if you are interested in working at the Museum.

c) in the case of subscribing to a newsletter related to information about upcoming events/cultural events.

3.3. Your personal data processed on the basis of your consent will be processed until it is withdrawn or the purpose for which the data was collected ceases. The consent granted may be withdrawn at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

Data processed in connection with the conclusion and implementation of the contract will be processed in accordance with applicable regulations, but no longer than until the expiry of the period within which the Museum may pursue claims related to the concluded contract, unless a longer period is specified in the Accounting Act.

4. Information security and storage

4.1 The Museum ensures the security of personal data through appropriate technical and organizational measures aimed at preventing unlawful processing of data and its accidental loss, destruction and damage.

4.2 The Museum takes special care to ensure that personal information is:

legal, reliable and transparent,
collected for specific and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes;
adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
correct and updated as necessary;
kept in a form which permits identification of the data subject for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data are processed;
processed in a way that ensures appropriate security of personal data;
while ensuring the implementation of the rights of data subjects;
not transferred without appropriate protection to countries outside the European Economic Area or to international organizations.

5. Data acquisition

5.1 When collecting any personal data, the Museum records where it was first obtained.

5.2 Personal data is obtained through:

forms completed online - information is collected thanks to various forms available on the website, used for contact purposes, submitting questions and expressing comments;
contact without the intermediary of the Internet - on the Museum's website there are various telephone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses where you can contact us;
traffic data and statistics on the frequency of visits to the Museum's websites - a register is kept of information on traffic data that is automatically recorded by our server, such as the user's IP address, URLs visited before visiting our website, URLs visited after visiting our website website and the pages visited. Statistics on the number of visits to the website and page views are also collected. The museum is not able to directly determine the user's identity based on traffic data and website usage statistics.
when using the resources of websites managed by the Museum - information about users is collected via files such as "cookies".
Cookies - small text files transferred from the website and stored on the hard drive of the user's computer, used to adapt content and services to the individual needs and interests of users of the Museum's website. They allow the website to "remember" who you are. The user may at any time disable the option of accepting cookies in his browser, however, the effect of such a change may be the loss of the ability to use the Museum's website. Details regarding the use of cookies are set out in the "Cookie Policy".

6. User rights

6.1 The Museum respects the rights of every person related to the processing of their personal data. In particular, each person whose data is processed has the right to:

a) obtain information about the processing of her personal data,

b) the right to access data, request rectification, supplementation and change,

c) the right to delete data (“right to be forgotten”),

d) the right to limit data processing,

e) the right to transfer data

f) the right to object to the processing of her data for justified purposes of the Museum as a data controller, including direct marketing of its products and services and profiling, as well as the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing.

6.2. The Museum reserves that if it is impossible to absolutely identify a person, for example due to the scope of data provided by him, it may refuse to take action at the request of the data subject by informing the person about it, unless the person provides additional information allowing him to be identified. 

6.3. The Museum informs that it is not obliged to delete data ("right to be forgotten") if processing is necessary for:

a) exercising the rights and freedom of expression and information,

b) compliance with a legal processing obligation under EU or Polish law, or performance of a task carried out in the public interest,

c) archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes,

d) to establish, pursue or defend claims.

6.5. If the User objects to further processing for marketing purposes, profiling or to the transfer of personal data to another data controller, the objection is taken into account. However, the data controller may leave data identifying a natural person in the file only to avoid the re-use of that person's data for the purposes covered by the objection.

6.6. The User may exercise the right to information and access to data no more than once every 6 months. At the request of the data subject, the data controller is obliged to provide the necessary information within 30 days.

7. Scope of sharing user data

The Museum declares that it does not sell or lend users' personal data collected for processing to other persons or institutions, unless it is done with the express consent or request of the user, or at the request of state authorities authorized under the law for the purposes of proceedings conducted by them. or activities related to security or defense, for legally defined tasks carried out for the public good, when it is necessary to fulfill the legally justified purposes of the Museum.

8. Changes to the privacy policy

Changes in the Museum's privacy policy may be influenced by changes in the legislation regarding the protection of personal data, as well as other factors. Customers and users will be immediately informed about any changes on the Museum's website. In the event of a change in the applicable privacy policy, appropriate modifications will be made to the above provision.

9. Right to complain

If a natural person considers that his or her rights under the law and this privacy policy are being violated, he or she has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
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